Working to Change the Culture

in Mobile Home Parks

Mr. Mike's Neighborhood

How a “Smile & Wave” Helped Change the Culture in a Mobile Home Park by Mike Whitty, Director, Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood


When the Director and Assistant Director, affectionately known as Mr. Mike and Miss Linda, decided to start an Association that would help the Neighbors within Lafayette Place Mobile Home Park, they started it with their own money and had to figure out ways to get their message across without having a healthy bankroll.  Since many of their residents are living month-to-month, asking for donations was not only banned by Sun Communities, but asking our Neighbors for money when they didn’t have a lot was not a successful formula.  And of course, since Sun didn’t want us here in the first place, would not give us a penny on top of any non-financial support, that meant we not only had to consistently fight Sun Communities to allow us to provide our services, we had to figure a way to provide our Neighbors with valuable information and support yet stay within the guidelines and mandates issued to us by Sun.  I’ll cover more on this issue in my next book, “Sun Communities vs Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood: A Culture War.”  So now, what to do?



Have you ever noticed how contagious smiles are?  When someone flashes their pearly whites at you, it's hard not to feel an instant boost of happiness.  Smiles have this uncanny ability to light up even the dullest room and bring people together.  You see folks, it doesn't take much to brighten someone's day or lift their spirits.  A simple smile can go such a long way in making others feel seen and valued.  And when paired with an enthusiastic wave...well let’s just say you might end up starting a friendly Neighborhood.


I believe that spreading positivity is one of life's greatest gifts we can give to one another. Whether it’s smiling at your barista while ordering your morning coffee or waving at your Neighbor across the street – these small acts of kindness have the power not only to transform our own moods, but also ripple outwards affecting countless lives along the way.



The first question we had to ask ourselves was how do we get our Neighbors to know who we are and what we were trying to accomplish.  Our goal was to change the Culture of our Community from recognizing Suns residents as just Renters, instead of Neighbors.  We wanted to make them feel good about living here since Lafayette Place is filled with beautiful people and families who likely have never experienced what it’s like to live in a really good Neighborhood, with people you know and friends you can enjoy and rely on.


At this point, nobody knew us or what we wanted to accomplish, so why should they trust us?  As far as anyone was concerned, and what Management kept promoting, we were nothing more then residents, and our Association was not needed within Lafayette Place.  So we figured that a consistent message would be the initial framework for a beautiful Community-wide Culture change.



To know that you can make a connection with a person you do not know, all for the 1 second it takes to Smile &  Wave, that has got to be huge in providing a friendly Culture within our Community.  Remember, the Smile &  Wave Program was created because we didn’t have enough disposable money to provide our Community with a little entertainment and fun, and I wanted to let them know that I wasn’t just talk when I started this in October 2022.  I needed to show that I would do what I was asking my Neighbors to do, create a Culture in our Park that would give Neighbors reasons to do the same.  I wanted to take 250 homes and make them a real Neighborhood. I wanted to give my Neighbors an experience that they may have never had growing up. It was a lofty goal, and likely one that was unattainable. I knew that from the start. Someone once said, “money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys everything else.” So without money, I needed to be a little more creative in developing a Neighborhood Culture since Park Management and Sun Communities spent their time making it harder for us, and eventually sending their lawyers after me.  I could just envision a bunch of Sun’s Vice Presidents and Lawyers trying to figure out how they can bring this organization down that does nothing more then provide help to their residents.



The Smile &  Wave Program started because of lack of funds. But it actually became more then that.  There was a hidden message that didn’t surface for months later. Neighbors liked to be recognized, and they felt the need to reciprocate by participating in the Smile & Wave Program.  By Smiling &  Waving back at us, that was our tip for providing outstanding service.  When they drive into our Community, the Smile & Wave welcomes them home, and when they leave the Community, the Smile & Wave wishes them safe travels.



Because of the “Smile & Wave” program, and the “Hey Neighbor” program, we have friends we have never met.  When they drive by, we know their car, we know their smile, and we know their wave.  And we look at them as friends, even though we have never met them personally.  But they know Miss Linda and Mr. Mike. They know us because we make ourselves known, whether we’re sitting on the front bench waving at everyone who passes, or on our daily walk and we say, “Hey Neighbor” to everyone we see.  We have seen parents teaching their children to say “Hey Neighbor.” We make sure they have a business card so they’ll have my phone number and website information.  Linda always stops to talk with the Neighbors and lets them know that we will always be there for them, and whatever they need we’re just a phone call away. By the way, the front bench area in front of my home was specifically created so we can sit outside and interact with our Neighbors anytime we’re out.



As Linda and I were taking our daily walk and picking up litter, a wonderful man visiting one of our Neighbors stopped us and asked, “are you the ones that keep waving at me every time I come in?” Now, this statement alone would have made our day. And then he said, “every time you smile and wave at me, for that moment, you make me feel so good.” WOW!!  Can you imagine the number of people in this world, or the number of Neighbors in our Community who have never heard anything like that? Well, it gives me more faith that what we do here, what we do now, what we do for our Neighbors, whether it be for 250 or just 1, is very important.  It’s too bad our owners and Managers don’t feel that way.



Medically (Excerpted from Psychology and Counseling News)

Your body releases three hormones that make you feel good when you smile. They include dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. These signal to your body that you’re happy, and in turn, you feel happier.  In fact, even if you force a smile, you’ll feel better. While it might not be a natural smile, you can in fact make yourself feel better simply by forcing a smile.  The stress reduction effects from smiling are well documented.  Smiling and laughter, even during difficult times, can truly help a person deal with stress and come out the other side healthier.


Mood Improvement

You’re coming home from work.  It wasn’t an easy day.  The traffic was horrible and you were stressed about running out of gas.  And now, with all this on your mind, you’re about to meet your family.  You come into the Community and you’re welcomed with a Smile & Wave, and you Smile & Wave back.  All of a sudden your whole mood changes.  It’s like that Smile & Wave just washed away all your troubles, so those hugs from your family will be received with more love, and of course, a big Smile.



When we’re sitting on the bench and waving at the cars, they tend to slow down.  For our frequent passer-byes, they tend to start looking whether we’re sitting there as they’re approaching, so they’ll also start slowing down.  So even when we’re not out, that consistency of slowing down in front of my home becomes more natural.


Parents Can Be an Example

Kids are incredibly observant, and they learn a lot about how to treat others by watching the adults in their life. Demonstrating the Smile & Wave when you are with your children can be an excellent example of how to respond to others kindness. You should also explain why the Smile & Wave is important so when your kids are around they can watch and mimic you.


There are other positive effects of smiling and waving.  If you’ll do a little research, I’m sure you’ll find it interesting.


Why Do You Do It?

Mr. Mike and Miss Linda have been asked numerous times why are they doing this and using their own money?  Their response was simple and selfless: “for as long as we live here, we wanted to make a difference in our Community.”  Mr. Mike has lived at Lafayette Place for 13 years and Miss Linda for 35 years.  Both are in their 70's.  As they became friends, they realized that they would likely be living out their remaining years here, and pledged that they would spend their time helping those residents in need.  They saw their poor, their Seniors, their Handicapped, many who had no one to count on.  That’s why they made it a point to make sure everyone in their Community had a phone number to Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood to call, day or night.


The Smile &  Wave Program can also be a metaphor.  Look what a 1 second interaction with someone you don’t even know can accomplish.  And for those Neighbors and our guests who experience the Smile &  Wave more often, they can’t tell me when they come around the bend that they’re not looking to see if we’re sitting on the bench. They can’t tell me at that specific moment, they’re not hoping that we’ll show our big smiles and hearty waves to either welcome them home from a hard days work, or wish them safe travel as they leave the park. They can’t tell me when we Smile &  Wave at the School Bus Driver, or the FedEx and UPS Driver, or the Delivery Drivers; they can’t tell me when I leave water every Monday morning for the trash people to show our appreciation for doing a job we don’t want to do, when I give water to the Mail People, Lawn Service to thank them for taking care of our Neighbors, when I give maps to all delivery drivers to make it easier to find our Neighbors, they can’t say that having Mr. Mike’s Neighborhood in our Community doesn’t make a difference. I don’t know why Sun keeps trying.


But our Neighbors have developed a Stage 2 of the Smile & Wave.  If they pass by my home and don’t see us out on the bench, they sound their horn as they pass with their own version.  It’s their way of letting us know they appreciate us.


And just one more side note before I finish.  Miss Linda and I were doing our daily walk.  When we came to the front of the park, a car drove by on the main street and yelled out, “Hi Mr. Mike!”  I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how good that felt.


It’s Important

The importance of a Smile & Wave cannot be understated – not only is it essential for social interaction, but it can also have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. So the next time you're feeling down, stressed out, or need a quick mood boost, pass by my home and get your free Smile & Wave – even if you don't feel like it at first. You may be surprised by how good it makes you feel!


Mr. Mike's Neighborhood


Mike Whitty, Director

Linda Varee, Asst. Director



Lafayette Place Mobile Home Park

21555 Warner Ave.

Warren, Michigan  48091

(586) 755-2800